--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> I have been in situations, in person, where people have
> questioned Maharishi, and he spent time attempting to answer
> the question, and the follow up question, and then the
> follow up question.

There's one videotape that demonstrates exactly this,
in which a very young Keith Wallace gets into a *very*
long argument with MMY about how one knows that one is
witnessing, the mechanics of the recognition. They go
back and forth and back and forth and back and forth.

> And it is all interesting until everyone else in the
> room wishes the person would just STFU.

I can't remember how the argument ends, but I don't 
think Keith ever conceded to MMY.

> I think in the the spiritual game when looking for a teacher
> you question the teacher, but there comes a time when you
> either decide to get on board or move on.  It doens't mean,
> at least for me, that you surrender your intellect, or give
> a whole hearted  buy in.

EXACTLY. Well said.

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