--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shanti2218411" <kc21d@...> wrote:
>     I agree.I am a psychologist and after having seen thousands of clients, I 
> have no doubt that one of the most fundamental mistakes people make is 
> thinking reality should be than what it is at this moment.Denial of what IS 
> invariably results in the perpetuation of suffering.This is very clearly 
> illustrated in addiction.BTW a book that presents a simple but effective way 
> of working through resistance is "The Myth of Stress' by Andrew 
> Bernstein(sp?).
* * * Beautifully put! I will keep an eye open for it, many thanks. My favorite 
eye-opener to date on the subtle mechanics of the subject is Byron Katie's 
"Loving What Is". 

Yes! The whole issue of addiction is fascinating. What I have called "Brahman" 
or "Wholeness" could just as easily be called sobriety. Upon reading Anne 
Wilson Schaef's "When Society Becomes an Addict" and "Escape from Intimacy: 
Untsngling the 'Love' Addictions: Sex, Romance, Relationships," I was struck by 
how clearly she described the mechanics of the Dark Night and Awakening (or 
"Brahman") without ever using those terms :-)

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