> > In other words; no transcendence...
> > 
> Actually full transcendence, not stuck in a laya 
> (TM) and merely transcending part of the mind. TM 
> would be kind of an entry level practice prior to
> mastery of ajapa-japa. 
The very best form of ajapa-japa seems to be the 
practice of basic 'TM'. According to what I've read, 
"japa" in Sankrit means to be remembering your bija 
mantra; ajapa-japa means a constant awareness of the 
bija without having to remember it.

> It's simply a level of practice not taught in the 
> TM Org.
Actually, 'TM' is basic Mantra Yoga.

"The letter A in front of the word japa means without. 
Thus, ajapa-japa is the practice of japa without the 
mental effort normally needed to repeat the mantra. 
In other words, it has begun to come naturally, 
turning into a constant awareness..."


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