You forgot to mention that meditation is the practice of creating a
blank mind so that the demons of Satan can seize it and turn you toward
a wasted life of wickedness and evil. After tasting that depraved
corruption, the satanic demons will turn you into one of their own ...
the haters of Jeezus and our blessed Lord.

Quickly, before it's too late, say the only thing that will save you:

Jeezus, I'm the number one sinner in the world. Forgive my obdurate will
for I'm just sinful filth in your eyes. But because you are so
merciful you give me one last chance.

Because of your mercy, I submit to your Lordship. Please cover me with
your eternal, paschal blood, the very blood of Jeezus. Covered by your
unrequited mercy, you will think that I am actually you and say unto me
… come here my only begotten into my kingdom and take your place
upon your throne.

Say this over and over and act accordingly and maybe god won't
notice that you are really just a pile of stinking filth.

You will, of course, have Satan's bulls-eye on your back, so under all
conditions follow Vairochana's advice. Stop meditating and trust in
yhvh, his son and the holy spirit to lead you ...  just like the Jews
who slew the pagans.


> On Feb 21, 2011, at 8:44 AM, Vaj wrote:
> > Byrom's translation is:
> >
> > You are bound only by the habit of your meditation
> > and miss that you are already free, without flaw and luminous.

> The Dangers of the Path of Formal Meditation
> Whoever follows the ancient sages' path
> becomes sick from attachment to the meditation process;
> Whether Buddhist, Hindu or Bon, the classical path of meditation
> is a snare and a delusion when attachment to it becomes obsessive
> and it becomes an end in itself.


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