> > I don't think the tmorg will ever die in our lifetimes, 
> > they have enough money to keep it going. 
> >
> Personally, I am not convinced of this. They *theoretically*
> have the money, but my bet 
How much you be willing to wager?

> is that most of it disappeared into the pockets of Maharishi's
> relatives in India, and can never be recovered...
According to what I've been told, most of the TMO Rajas are
millionaires and they have plently of money, even after giving
a lot to Maharishi's relatives in India. Most of them seem to
have a lot more money saved up than you do. You've got what,
$1000 in your bank acount? Hell, even I have more cash on me 
today than you do! Go figure.

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