> They continued to meditate because...
Buddha and the Zen Masters continued to meditate
because they were enlightened.

Read more:

Subject: Don't just do something, sit there!
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: October 7, 2005

> > > > What is the point of meditating after reaching
> > > > enlightenment?
> > > >
> > The practice and enlightenment are not different
> > - they are one and the same. According to Dogen,
> > just sitting IS enlightenment. It's just what
> > intelligent people do.
> >
> > Vaj:
> > > I always thought it was funny to think that
> > > people who though they were enlightened would
> > > even imagine that they still needed to meditate.
> > >
> > Why do you suppose the Buddha and the Zen Masters
> > like Dogen continued to meditate years after they
> > supposedly attained enlightenment?

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