--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
> ...if you're an old-time meditator and should like to come 
> back to help meditate some in the domes, just practically 
> know that the TMmovement policy guidelines on having visited 
> and been with other saints is effectively un-changed.  Rather, 
> it applies more evenly to meditators and old TM teachers now.  
> Essentially is still, "Don't ask, Don't tell" , or as 
> Maharaishi once coached, "practice lying".
> This Youtube short essentially is not far from the truth: 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOPXgBflM8I
> Status quo.  

Speaking directly to the "Buck" persona, what would
he answer to the question, "Has it ever occurred to
you that adherence to these policies is, in fact, a 
ploy to keep the 'Dome numbers' *down*, a way of
making sure that the 'right numbers' are never 
reached, and that the 'Maharishi Effect' is thus
never put to the test?"

The former Big Donor who left the TMO so noisily 
(whose name I almost forget but now seem to remember
as Kaplan) suggested in his parting shot letter that 
Maharishi himself suggested this to him. Why would
the Rajas think any differently?

How would a Fairfield METB deal with such questions?
*Would* they deal with such questions? I'm genuinely 
curious. I've been chided here for assuming things,
and never asking. Well, I'm asking. 

Color me not convinced that many of these people 
making these urgent pleas for more BBs For Peace
actually want more BBs For Peace. Based on seeing
him speak at the "Watershed Meeting," I am convinced
that Mr. Settle wants that. But I also came away 
from watching that stream feeling that he suspects
the same thing I do above. Do the "people in charge"
ever want to *emerge* from the tunnel? Or do they
want to keep the tunnel ride going on forever?

What do the folks at ground zero think about all of 
these machinations, Buck? What do they think is behind 
the whole "Dome policy" thang, and what do they think 
its intent is? Genuinely curious.

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