--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Thanks for your thoughts on this, Buck. And thanks
> also for not making it an exercise in "demonize the
> source of the question while never dealing with the
> question."

Quick fact check: Barry's referring to me, since I was
the only person to have commented other than Buck.

The "demonization" he's referring to: I (accurately)
suggested he was indulging in "confirmation bias" and

How many times has Barry accused others, TMers in
particular, of these two sins?

As to "never dealing with the question"--au contraire,
I addressed Barry's main basis for his "theory" that the
TMO doesn't want to test the ME: that MMY himself 
purportedly didn't believe in it.

So an instance of hypocrisy, and then a lie.

> The bottom line is the same now as it's always been.
> If there were a *real* desire to "make the numbers,"
> and thus put the concept of the Maharishi Effect to
> the test, it could be done at any time. The TMO has,
> and has always had, more than enough money to do this.
> That they do not speaks loudly to another "bottom line,"
> which is that no one really wants the ME ever put to
> the test.

The issue here: Are there other possible "bottom lines"
that Barry isn't considering, or is this the only one?

Barry apparently didn't bother to read Hagelin's latest,
posted here a few days ago, which announced a new influx
of pundits.

Which pretty much demolishes Barry's notion that the TMO
is trying to sabotage the dome numbers.

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