On Mar 29, 2011, at 8:17 AM, seventhray1 wrote:

Bob, you are just too predictable. Her story may or may not be true. For all I know it is. But what a weak basis on which to make an acccusation. And of course you are following the script. Throw out an accusation and then disavow all knowledge or hide under the cover of "national security" type thing.

Many people have been aware of Mahesh's duplicity for a long, long time. While I know it's important for some to protect their teacher, it seems very likely, given that numerous people have pointed out the exact same behavior, that this is true. Denial's a natural response, just like the "it's not possible that HH the Marshy screwed my girlfriend and her best friend!" revelations had a high denial factor. It's often difficult to accept that our cherished figureheads aren't what they appear to be -- or worse.

Is this really, honestly news to you?

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