--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> As I understand it Richard Nelson's sources were first hand 
> sources who acutally were in a position to know some of the 
> details which were alleged to have taken place.  

In other words, EXACTLY the same as Vaj's. His
opinion is based on (he says) what he heard from 
a direct student of one of the parties involved.

And yet you somehow give more credence to what
Richard says. Could it possibly be because...wait
for it...what Richard says (filtered through his
own obvious agenda) conforms to what you want to
believe (filtered through your own)?

on either side. All that's happened is a "My sources
are better than your sources" pissing contest. I'm 
starting to wonder whether Jimbo is not the only
person here whose intellect has devolved to the
vegetable level. 

I have no horse in this race (or dick in this pissing
contest). I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. All of this Ayurveda
bullshit happened long after I'd walked away from the
TMO, and if I hadn't it would have caused me to walk
away when it appeared. From my point of view it's as
much "medicine" as an African shaman shaking a rattle
at someone. So WHO FUCKING CARES who stole what
meaningless "formula" from who?

The only reason I've chimed in is that people like
you, Ray, who I used to respect, have managed to cause
me to doubt the wisdom of doing so. 

What I've been seeing is "like agenda gravitating to
like." Nothing more. People who already believe (or
want to believe) something tend to project credence
onto the person who agrees with them. And then they
declare that the person whose agenda they don't like
has been "proven wrong." And all the time not a single
fact has been presented, on either side. 

If this is what TM produces in the way of intellect,
I am not impressed. I doubt lurkers here are, either.

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