On May 26, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

> That's what it seems to me as well~~
> if there were some posts made which
> in any way proved Vaj's assertions to
> be false, or even dealt with them on
> any kind of level other than pseudo-
> hysteria, I haven't seen them.  Perhaps
> lurk could point them out?  Especially
> since he seems so sure that Vaj has
> been "exposed as a liar."

We'll see what happens. Over time these things have a way of coming out.

We've heard the expose of Mahapatra, his close physician and Judith Bourque, 
among others.

But mark my words, the historical record will eventually bear witness to the 
real Mahesh - and it's not the one we were presented on the dais. That was 
merely, IMO, a stage character.

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