Thanks for this - I enjoy astrology as an interesting perspective on each of 
us, though I have not had my chart done, either Western or Eastern. Oddly, 
about twenty years ago, at the time I was somewhat interested in the idea of 
jyotish as a tool for finding answers to my life, I knew a TM teacher who 
complained that she should be married by now, according to her chart. I pretty 
much decided then that my continued path of homegrown intuition was a better 
(and less expensive) choice. I too agree with confirmation bias playing a 
strong role in our interpretation of astrology - I can read almost anything 
about planetary influences and find some of it applies to me. 

--- In, tartbrain <no_reply@...> wrote:
> In jyotish I am Pisces, In western I am Aries. Nothing much really going on 
> in Gemini in either. 
> I do have a debilitated and combust Mercury in First, conjunct rahu and sun 
> (though some have said the debilitation is actually a yoga because of this or 
> that, which flips the debilitation and makes Mercury stronger).  And its in 
> house of Jupiter, ascendant which makes it stronger.
> And some say Mercury has that quality of seeing things from multiple angles. 
> IF (IF!) there is anything to jyotish -- I view it as a map of karma, if 
> anything -- it probably makes me a bit quirky (gee, have you noticed, ha). My 
> bundle of prarabdha karma is what it is. A fun life trip as it unwinds. 
> Here is some stuff on Jyotish Mercury. I am sure the Confirmation Bias 
>  Challenged among us (raise your hands, "see almost everyone") will have a 
> heyday in confirming what they see in me (debilititated vs "in yoga" 
> Mercury). 
> And Confirmation Bias is fascinating. I have noticed some will pull out the 
> most vague or insignificant point in a large post and jump up and down 
> excitedly "See! See! I told you so. This person is JUST like I said he/she 
> was." One out of 100 points is all they see. And highly prevalent in world. 
> It can make the work place fascinating.
> ---------------
> "According to Jyotish Shastaras, the planet Mercury is very disciplined and 
> intelligent. Usually, Mercury behaves in a very mature manner. Many a times, 
> it behaves like a very rational entity. Mercury by nature is artistic. It's 
> nature is very receptive, and in most of the cases, cordial. Another 
> interesting part is that it can be humorous, nervous, kind hearted and 
> rational. Apart from that, Mercury is really an extrovert (vocal). By 
> personality, Mercury is receptive and sociable. Not only it is analytical, 
> but also professional in nature. It has a multi-faceted personality. Thus, 
> this can easily adapt in any situation whatsoever."
> When Mercury is Strong & Positive
> On can find a great influence of Budha (Mercury) on the native. Under the 
> good influence of Mercury, the person becomes highly intelligent, and able to 
> discharge any given assignment on the fixed time. Under the influence of 
> Budha a person becomes punctual in approach, and ever attentive.
> More so, related to Mercury (Budha), a person also has the chance of 
> receiving a higher education and the capability to take decisions on his own 
> in a difficult situation. People favorably influenced by a strong Budha lead 
> a highly intellectual life.
> Mercury also imparts rational thoughts to the native, the person may also 
> become an expert in his or her field. Persons under the Effect of Mercury 
> (Budha) enter into all kinds of fields from medicine to sports, from 
> engineering to teaching. Thanks to Mercury's influence the person develops 
> leadership qualities too. Once he makes a decision; he does that in a proper 
> manner.
> If the Effect of Mercury is very strong in a person, he/she is able to have a 
> strong persuasive quality. This is very beneficial in any kind of work. By 
> nature, under the Effect of Mercury (Budha), he believes in the business 
> culture. Furthermore, he can take decisions on the spot. Others do not easily 
> influence him. People in the influence of Mercury are very literary minded by 
> nature.
> He will carry their newness and innovation along with them wherever they go 
> and surprise everybody with their sharp intellect. He may also try to solve 
> the disputes of society, wherever he is living under Mercury's influence on 
> the native. Besides, one can never see him moving around and wasting his time.
> When Mercury is weak and afflicted
> Under the influence of weak and afflicted Mercury, an individual also becomes 
> negative. And the negative part of his personality becomes dominant. The 
> person may be talkative in nature. He might be ill tempered, sarcastic and, 
> in many cases, never completes his education.
> Further, a person born under the weak Effect of Mercury is not rational in 
> his approach. He develops a lot of problems for himself and for society. He 
> can become ungrateful and fraudulent. In many cases, the born person under 
> weak Mercury becomes showy and non-reliable. Sometimes, you can find him 
> intensely selfish.
> Jupiter-Favorably placed
> If Jupiter is placed favorably with respect to Mercury, it has many benefic 
> influences on the person. He will be creative, committed, religious and 
> mentally balanced. He will be highly educated and might be involved in 
> research work. Thanks to the benefic effect of mercury, the person will also 
> be optimistic and well behaved.
> A favorably placed Jupiter also makes the person contemplative, sincere and 
> responsible towards society. Such persons are great assets to society. They 
> are useful and rational, and do their part in the development of society. 
> Having association with these people is a matter of pride. The positive 
> effect of Mercury is greatly enhanced due to Jupiter.
> Such people work according to the needs of the hour. They are prudent enough 
> to take decisions on the spot as and when required. They never keep anything 
> incomplete or halfway done. They believe in complete perfection. They always 
> stretch their hands to the needy. They cannot tolerate injustice being done 
> to any innocent person. They are the people who believe in honesty and 
> integrity. They are the ones whom you can rely upon.

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