--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> While Mr. Self Realized is at it, I'd like him to
> produce quotes of mine that he considers "cheap
> shots" at Maharishi.
I don't call it cheap shots - I call it "intellectual deception", the 3
Decepteers of FFL, Curtis indulgence in intellectual deception is more
of the kitty with the fur-ball variety, ignorance, muddled thinking .
You Barry do it out of your pain, your game of bully and victim, whereas
Vaj's indulgence is pure malice.

> More important -- and this is I think the thing that
> pushes Jimbo's attachment/aversion buttons -- is that
> your occasional shots at Maharishi are based on total
> equality and a "Prove it" attitude, the very thing he
> fears the most.
Total equality and "prove it" is again Classic intellectual deception
and going Gandhi, MLK over all of us, of the tartbrain variety.
Equality, justice, peace cannot be found or achieved outside of us. No
one can prove anything, in fact prove it is an oxymoron,
self-realization is not about proving anything, doing anything,
achieving anything.
> > To date, like MMY, Jim has NOT demonstrated anything to
> back up his claims that he (and other claimants to the
> throne of enlightenmentitudeness) is "special." He seems
> to me to be the most ordinary of human beings, someone
> who at one point in his life grew tired of being a nobody
> and figured out that if he just made a bunch of claims to
> gullible people, a certain percentage of them would treat
> him as "special," just because he claimed to be. Same with
> Ravi. He, too was an absolute nobody until he suckered
> Rick in with some parroted spiritual bullshit and a similar
> claim to be self realized.
Again enlightenment is nothing about feeling special or demonstrating
anything, though some of them do which is entirely optional.
You are at least partially right about me - I totally suckered Rick into
an interview, my story ended long time back. I'm just a liar making up
stories since I have no more stories left to project. I make up new
stories to engage in playful fun to make fun of pimps(egoistics) like
you totally fascinated with their whores(intellects) and can't seem to
entertain the possibility of a life outside the 'hood(small self).
Parroted shit? Absolutely incorrect - I don't know of anyone who's
indulged in my favorite metaphors. Its not parroted - it's called old
wine in new bottle - the truth is always the same, the packaging new. If
you want parroted shit read your favorite friend Vaj, the one trick
parrot who constantly chokes on parroted vomit, his discourses on
Vakragita are pretty hilarious.

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