On Jun 29, 2011, at 2:59 AM, maskedzebra wrote:

That is, refuse to allow myself to surrender to God in this Hindu- pantheistic form, and realize that, somehow, fallen angels were deceiving me into experiencing reality in such a way which was contrary to THE WAY IT ACTUALLY IS.

What do you think of the reports of children who had darshan with Mahesh and saw him as some sort of demonic being (anti-being?)?

May sound strange, bizarre, even psychotic, but certainly within the Judaic religious tradition, and even in the Christian "Cabala", we see the use of young children to detect the presence of certain angels, etc. So it's far from being a phenomenon without precedent.

Certainly, by all definitions, both experiential and practical, he was certainly not a rishi or a terton, for he revealed no cycles of teaching, but merely distorted tantra and fabricated yet another Neo- advaitic "path" for the spiritual marketplace...

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