Apparently we are on the same path, Bob!
Willytex, Thank you very much for your post. I think you have a lot more 
experience than I do with zazen. I did not have nearly the exposure you did to 
top Roshis. I started in the early 60's with Alan Watts and love him to this 
(i used to share his love of some other kinds of spirits also). I then moved on 
to reading Synder and the Beats but it was not until I was recovering from my 
psychedelic experience that I discovered the zazen practise through a book 
called "The Three Pillars of Zen". I practised zazen using the koan I shared 
with AuthFriend and frankly I think it saved my life. This was all before I 
became a TM teacher or meeting Maharishi. I had read and enjoyed Zen Flesh, Zen 
Bones, and loved it, it gave me hope, before I went on teacher training. Small 
world that it is, I met Reps at a library where I was giving an intro and he 
giving a talk about art and zen. I totally fell in love with the man. I think 
spoke like Henry Miller wrote, like a great middle weight. I met him again in 
Kyoto. I never mixed TM with zazen although Zen has always made me feel "Mother 
is at home". Thanks again for your post.  
'Centering: The Supreme Awakening'

I'm looking forward to studying these links in more depth. 

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