On 06/29/2011 07:01 PM, raunchydog wrote:
> There is a political crisis in Greece amidst revolt against massive budget 
> cuts and tax hikes. Thousands protest austerity measures in Athens: "They 
> sell our country." "They sell our national dignity ... they have signed 
> away... our constitution!" "We need the solidarity of working class people 
> and youth from around the globe. The only way to stop the cuts, the attacks 
> and austerity packages is by struggling, this includes everything, strikes, 
> demonstrations, occupations of squares and uniting the different movements 
> from around the world."
> http://www.democracynow.org/2011/6/29/inside_greeces_general_strike_video_report

The people of the world need to declare war on the banks and their 
criminal activities some of which have been going on for centuries.  
Let's make the world for the people and not just the filthy rich.

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