On Jun 30, 2011, at 5:06 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:

> I was listening to Radio Pacifica about what is happening in Greece. 
> Basically Greece borrowed too much, the banks lent Greece too much, and the 
> banks cannot cover their losses now, so they ensure that the economy of 
> Greece will. 

Maybe they could reopen the Oracle at Delphi.
I know more than a few who'd be on the next plane.

> The point was made that the large banks somehow steer away from any equity, 
> preferring instead to use any asset for purposes of leverage. It is how their 
> bonus structures are set up internally, so that the point of the bank is to 
> create and lend as much monetary value from assets as possible, with nothing 
> in reserve, counting on future returns to compensate for the over leveraging 
> of assets. So it is a monetary balloon whose value could rapidly deflate if a 
> large economy such as Greece's went down and others followed.  

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