On 06/29/2011 07:01 PM, raunchydog wrote:
> There is a political crisis in Greece amidst revolt against massive budget 
> cuts and tax hikes. Thousands protest austerity measures in Athens: "They 
> sell our country." "They sell our national dignity ... they have signed 
> away... our constitution!" "We need the solidarity of working class people 
> and youth from around the globe. The only way to stop the cuts, the attacks 
> and austerity packages is by struggling, this includes everything, strikes, 
> demonstrations, occupations of squares and uniting the different movements 
> from around the world."
> http://www.democracynow.org/2011/6/29/inside_greeces_general_strike_video_report

What I noticed at the end of the video was police retreating from the 
group to protect the parliament.  My bet is the police are beginning to 
figure out they're screwed to.  It will be interesting to see if they 
start joining the protesters and we'll see a real revolution occur by 
throwing out the Greek government.  This happened in Romania.  The Greek 
people bear no responsibility for the way finances were handled any more 
than Americans for being sold an inflated standard of living over the 
last 20-30 years.

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