--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> Chopra is a great self-promoter. If he promotes the Maharishi,
> he promotes himself.
> I think he would have done better for himself if he would have 
> done like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar did and remove any mention of
> him from his promotional materials.

Goodness. Vaj really isn't aware that Chopra *did* remove
any mention of MMY? That's common knowledge, I thought. In
fact, many people, including some on this forum, have 
faulted him for doing so.

Whether he did it on his own initiative or at the urging of
the movement (or both) isn't totally clear, but once he had 
definitively broken from MMY and the movement, it would have
been odd if the movement had *not* asked him to eliminate
any such references. Especially since what Chopra was
teaching had begun to diverge significantly from what MMY
taught and would therefore have been a threat to the "purity
of the teaching" if folks thought Chopra was speaking for MMY.

It occurs to me to wonder whether part of the reason for MMY
wanting to keep Chopra within the fold was that as long as
he was under MMY's thumb, he'd have to stick strictly with
MMY's teaching and wouldn't be able to introduce his own
ideas, as he indeed went on to do.

As one commenter on Chopra's piece notes:

"When Chopra left Maharishi, he agreed not to use Maharishi'­s
name in any way. In fact reprints of Chopra's earlier books
have removed all mention of Maharishi'­s name and Chopra's
gratitude to him."

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