--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> <snip> 
> > Far as I'm aware, the Holy Ghost/Spirit, although it's the
> > "second Person" of the Trinity, is never portrayed in art 
> > as a human bean but is always represented symbolically (e.g.,
> > by a dove). 
> > 
> > Paligap observed that the mapping of rishi-devata-chhandas
> > to the Trinity was "a bit tricky," but perhaps from the
> > above it'll be a little clearer. Rishi, the Knower, would
> > obviously be God; and chhandas, the object of knowledge,
> > would be Jesus Christ (the Logos). The Holy Spirit would
> > be devata, the process of knowing, the abstract connection
> > between Rishi/God the Father and chhandas/God the Son.
> > 
> > Thus it's the Holy Spirit that descends (or emanates) from
> > God to impregnate Mary, and later to proclaim the adult
> > Jesus as God's Son at his baptism by John.
> An interesting take on it... AFAIK, though, the Holy Ghost is always the 
> "third Person" of the Trinity, and Jesus is the "second Person" -- as in God 
> the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit... which might make the 
> Father our Rishi or the Knower, the Son our Devata, the process of knowing, 
> and the Holy Spirit our Chhandas, the object of knowledge, the Body of 
> Christ, the divine "Church" or "Temple" or "Vedic Choir". 
> This might tie in nicely with Father as the Spirit of God (Pneuma), "Son" as 
> the Soul of God (Psyche), and "Holy Spirit" as the Body of God (Soma). 
> These in turn easily map onto our uppermost three chakras: Father as Spirit 
> of Spirit in the Crown (the Transcendent); Son as Soul of Spirit in the Third 
> Eye (the Witness), and Holy Spirit as Body of Spirit in our Throat (Akasha). 
> If the energy is moving down through these chakras, we might say that the 
> Father is Love of Love (Sat of Sat), the Son is Light of Love (Chit of Sat), 
> and the Spirit is the Laughter of Love (Ananda of Sat)...

We need to understand that the words used for the transcendent are more 
concrete and understandable in context with the Hebrew culture.  Thus, the 
words Father, Son and Holy Ghost were used by the Christian Church Fathers to 
describe the phenomenon of the unified field, the transcendent.

MMY's idea of the rishi-devata-chandas relationship is fine for analytical 
purposes.  But it lacks the personal message to human beings who can only 
understand concrete words such as father, mother and son to get a glimpse of 
the mechanics of the unified field.

IMO, it could very well be in the end, that heaven or the higher lokas 
described in the Bible and the vedic literature may be the perfect version of 
what we see here on earth.  That is, there could be trees, forests, oceans, 
animals and people (those who are deserving) in heaven.

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