--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@...> wrote:
> Yep, just conjecturing here too. Though one could perhaps make a case for 
> rishi as being predominant in the enlivenment of C.C., devata in G.C. and 
> chhandas in U.C. (as I have done with my 9-chakra-model system of the 27 
> states of being, consciousness, and bliss), and thus in that sense 
> sequential, it is after all just another model and you know I don't really 
> hold with sequential milestones being de rigeur anyhow :-)
(If we used that model, though, the Father would really not be the Rishi, as He 
is Transcendence in the crown, the Absolute (T.C.); the Son would represent the 
Witness (C.C), the Rishi in the brow or third-eye -- perhaps the quote "if 
thine eye be single, thy body shall be full of light" is applicable here -- and 
the Holy Spirit would represent -- as you have it -- the Devata value: Akasha, 
the divine Breath (Spiritus; Atman) in the throat chakra, the bliss of G.C. 
Then Chhandas would probably end up being the finest-feeling level of U.C. and 
Air, Nous or Buddhi, the Intuitive intellect, the Higher Soul in the heart 

(But to really manifest the states of consciousness, each of these would be 
paired with its converse, across the mid-line of the Solar Plexus or Sacred 
Heart: thus T.C. would engage both the Father-Purusha in the crown and the 
Mother-Prakriti in the foot; C.C. ("Birth") would involve both the Son in the 
brow (Witness) and the Daughter in the base (organs of action); G.C. 
("Baptism") would engage both the Holy Spirit in the throat (bliss) and the 
Holy (Subtle) Body in the sex (senses; the waters), and U.C. 
("Transfiguration") would involve both the Higher Soul in the heart (intuition) 
and the Lower Soul in the navel (concrete mind) -- the downward male and upward 
female forces finally meeting and marrying across the Crucifixion-midpoint of 
the I AM, releasing the heretofore unconscious identification with the I-point 
into Brahman...)

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