--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> RESPONSE IV: I have checked out Anthony Campbell's website, 
> authfriend,

(May I ask you to call me Judy?)

> and read excerpts from two of his books: he is very good,
> I think. I plan to read his book: "Totality Beliefs and
> the Religious Imagination". Thanks for alerting me to this
> ex-TM teacher, who obviously is really going after it—now
> as a devout secularist. He impresses me—What was the name
> of that journal he once edited: Creative Intelligence? I
> hope he discusses why he left TM and Maharishi.

He does, at some length, in the "Totality" book. I bought
it after mentioning Campbell to you and read that part of
it; I'll get to the rest soon. There are a few things I
think he may have missed on the TM score, but I agree, he's
a tremendously clear thinker and writer.

> Any chance of getting him to post at FFL?

Probably not. He does appear to read his email, though,
so you might want to ask him. Or it's not impossible he'd
be up for a private conversation with you. I sure would if
I were he!

> Again, to repeat: a good experience grappling with your
> questions, authfriend. I hope you will not be too
> scrupulous in carrying out your decision to leave "the
> devil's advocate role" to others—although Curtis and
> at_man are certainly up to the job, it seems.

They are indeed. I may take little nibbles around the
edges here and there. I've enjoyed our conversations, and
your conversations with others as well.

> Anyhow, thanks for the tip about AC. He really has
> something to say.

I had a hunch he'd spark your interest.

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