--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:

> I note there is a Catholic priest in Brazil teaching children Transcendental 
> Meditation. I have seen the David Lynch tape. An obviously sincere and heroic 
> character, this priest nevertheless (it's not his fault: his Church can't 
> deliver on the goods regarding God like TM can; and this became obvious to 
> him, which is why he made that most ironic of decisions: to became a TM 
> Teacher) is betraying Christ as it were. Else why have Saint Francis Xavier 
> destroying the Hindu statues in India in the 16th century—all the while 
> moving and acting within a brilliant supernatural grace? Now those Hindu 
> statues have been invisibly erected inside the interiority of his priesthood.
> But this, of course, authfriend, is the current dilemma of the Catholic 
> Church, and this priest but an innocent victim. His Catholicism cannot 
> provide him with the verification of the truth of his religion, so he has 
> turned elsewhere, and become, within his calling as a priest, a bloody TM 
> initiator. Someone teaching children to worship a Hindu god (praying to their 
> mantra). Whereas, according to orthodox—pre-Vatican II—belief, these Hindu 
> gods are fallen angels in disguise—and are thus banished from heaven, and are 
> the enemies of the immortal soul of this Brazilian priest.

Like I said MZ;  you definately need a checking.
No, make that 3.

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