Sorry for my tardiness. The wife threatened me with lawyers if I didn't get off 
of FFL for a day and take her to her favourite SPA in Napa. Yes, her idea of a 
Monday long weekend starts the previous Wednesday. She still does TM straight 
and loves Maharishi so what can I do. I've kept her abreast of your return 
performance. Yesterday we drove past a photocopy service that had two large 
images of Zebras in the window. The one on the left was standard black and 
but the one of the right was multi-coloured and fantastic. She asked me which 
one I thought resembled my friend  the MZ the most. I said, duhhhhhh, of course 
the one on the right! She suggested that a number of us on FFL consider 
customizing a 12 step program for FFL posting recovery, its  obviously 
addicting. She's a cheeky sod although I love her to bits. Sounds a bit like 
Sunday football envy, or couch quarter backing to me. I have noticed that I'm 
not the only poster that has been speaking with his partner about you. I think 
this is all good.

I'm in total agreement that from this point forward (except for my heart felt 
thanks to the poster with the great ideas for the "cards from the chopper" part 
of the program) TASTELESS MANAGEMENT Inc. negotiations for the upcoming "Call 
Man Master (particularly if there is no money in it)"  Tour" is offline and if 
it comes up in any post it's strictly symbolic or metaphoric, although I plan 
dust off my Jung, Joseph Campbell and "Finnegan's Wake" to keep up wit you. I 
haven't understood those folks since my last psychedelic 40+ years ago (more on 
that in my upcoming Ayahuasca post). I've given it plenty of thought and I 
you're right that AuthFriend  was right that smoked salmon might be tasty on 
Sunday but Monday through Friday it starts to smell fishy and heaven forbid a 
bit stale. Frankly, the wife thinks AuthFriend is the only Normie on FFL and 
said if it wasn't for AuthFriends presence on FFL she would insist I start on 
first step ASAP. I guess something like "I'm powerless over FFL and it makes my 
life unmanageable"!   

So from here forward MX its straight shooting for me. As a demonstration of my 
sincerity please see my responses below.

RESPONSE: Sleep has never been the same since I first 'transcended. And  it got 
a lot more complicated and problematic after Arosa. Sleep was always 
to invade me once I really got into TM. Like a kind of death fatigue in my 
brain. A close friend of mine came up with the idea that when a person 
transcends through TM, what is really going on is that the mantra (a Vedic god 
of some sort) is actually possessing the sleep function in the brain, the most 
INNOCENT experiential context we have. What he meant by this was that the 
mechanism which permits us to fall asleep, that mechanism is at the very 
of the TM experience. In other words, the mantra (conceived—sure, go for the 
metophorical—as a living being) is able to leverage off of this wonderful sleep 
mechanism, to convince the body (and the person) that they are having a 
experience. For me, it fits, because to repeat myself, the most innocent 
experience I know of is how I fall asleep. That quality of experience bears an 
uncanny resemblance to the  experience of transcending. I believe, therefore, 
there is merit in this thesis (that the two experiences: transcendence and 
are mingled together ever after that). TM entails the perfect annexation of the 
innocent sleep function in the brain.

And this would explain how permanently screwed up my sleep function has become 
since I went whole hog with the MMY thing (TM and everything that was added).

Don't get me wrong: I love sleep, but before TM, when I was awake (having had a 
good night's sleep) I NEVER HAD TO THINK ABOUT SLEEP. For the last forty plus 
years, even while awake THE TM CONTEXT IS THERE, which is to say, sleepiness, 
potential sleepiness, in a mystical from co-exists with my waking state.

Any of this, at least conceptually, make sense to you?
MZ, this makes total sense to me. When I started transcending 41+ years ago I 
thought it was the sweetest thing since mescaline. My first thought was "how 
hell can I package and sell this", I was 18 at the time. Then I opened my eyes 
and remembered the $20 smackers I had paid (the inflation on TM fees reminds me 
of the Wiemar) and realized some crafty bugger had got there before me. This 
began a very profitable 6 year relationship with his Holiness.  
But as I think you're saying, over the years, it has changed and frankly what 
happens now is still sweet but seems more like that delicious feeling i get 
dropping of to sleep. In fact, it's so much like dropping off to sleep that 
times I come to because the wife (we meditate together) pokes me in the ribs 
tells me I'm snoring. My wife's initiator (a  mother divine, would't accept 
anything less) told my wife that I'd been meditating so long that she (my wife) 
was probably getting a darshanic boost just meditating with me in the same 
My wife rolled her eyes and said "you're kidding right". My wife has not been 
meditating very long and has very dramatic transcending experiences  (thank 
no oneness yet or she'd be a bear to live with) and frankly if I didn't know 
better I say she is a bit of a heavy un-stresser! Obviously, she's getting some 
darshanic lift from me, hell I figure just the fact I know someone in UC, past 
or present, must give her some lift. 
Any way back to the point. I think you're on to something wih this sleep thing. 
I'm wondering if I could be in the 4th state and snore? I know some smart ass 
going to ask if I witness my snoring. So to get that out of the way, I can't 
remember and I don't think that nessasaryily precludes anything the 4th state. 
According to the Sasha Shulgin rating scale a 4th level experience doesn't have 
to be remembered.       * PLUS FOUR (++++) A rare and precious transcendental 
which has been called a 'peak experience', a 'religious experience,' 
'divine transformation,' a 'state of Samādhi' and many other names in other  
cultures. It is not connected to the +1, +2, and +3 of the measuring of a 
intensity. It is a state of bliss, a participation mystique, a connectedness 
with both the interior and exterior universes, which has come about after the 
ingestion of a psychedelic drug, but which is not necessarily repeatable with a 
subsequent ingestion of that same drug. If a drug (or technique or process) 
ever to be discovered which would consistently produce a plus four experience 
all human beings, it is conceivable that it would signal the ultimate 
and perhaps the end, of the human experiment.
– Alexander Shulgin, PiHKAL, 1991

So I'm thinking the wife is getting lift even if I'm snoring. Curious what you 
think? Of course, when I was younger I had none of these issues. I used 
transcend and back clearly with the best of them. Now someone like Nabby is 
going to suggest I get my meditation checked. Unfortunately I don't think this 
would work because Saraswati and I parted company some time ago. I don't mean 
metaphorically as in transcending or something.  Don't get me wrong I still use 
the TM technique but I've gone a little Thai  Buddhist in that I use the 
effortless beauty of the TM technique but I have replaced Saraswati with my 
breath. Works like a hot dam! Don't get me wrong, I'm still enough of a 
de-certified initiator that when Saraswati comes, which she does inevitably 
I drop off to sleep, I make her welcome, effortlessly and soon she moves on to 
greener pastures. Most of the time when I realize I'm thinking,  usually 
about sex or money, I gently bring my attention back to my breathing and vavoom 
I drop off to sleep (I mean I transcend). 

I've found TM works with just about everything. For a while, you'll like this 
MZ, I used YAHWEH, and again it worked great. Only thing with Yahweh is that I 
started to feel all old testament and frankly it was a bit too dramatic for me. 
Actually, I think it may of resulted in one of my divorces when I caught one of 
the ex's flirting around with our hispanic gardener. And god that was 
So no more old testament for me.
Have you tried any thing like this MZ? As all the teachers know Maharishi's 
teaching was a bit of a Glen Gould (for the un-enlightened, not for you RC, he 
wasn't a zombie) on BrahmanandaSaraswati and the Holy Tradition  method. The 
traditional method is more interactive where the pupil is asked who their fav 
deity is and  the mantra is given accordingly. So I'm wondering MZ if you have 
considered picking an old testament mantra (i assume your marriage is stable)- 
pick the old testament as you mentioned you like Mel's work- and this could 
you get some sleep? It worked wonders with me. 

God, talk about long winded.  You see what happens with me when I go straight. 
Let us proceed, then.

BP: So for our chopper event I'm thinking some hybrid of Captain Duvall in 
Apocalypse Now and Abbie Hoffman at the NYSE. Of course the music won't work, I 
see you more Bach than "Ride of the Valkyries". And course for Abbie's part of 
throwing US dollars on the exchange floor won't work  either. These days, to 
any ones attention we'd have to throw so many dollars out we might hurt 
I'm thinking more Kuwati Dinars or something. We did invade that place didn't 
we? There must be a few bags stored somewhere.

RESPONSE: Wagner—especially Ride of the Valkyries [this version you sent me: 
perfect]—is out. All that magnificent, disturbing, Teutonic romanticism—too 
reminds me of Arosa. But Bach? That might be a little pretentious of me. Lady 
Gaga, Bob: the only way to go. Although  have no idea how I/we would meld her 
selfless music with my egotisicalpreachin'. Duvall, by the way, he's always so 
damn good, isn't he? The idea of playing R of the V in Apocalypse Now with 
helicopter gunships roaring overhead: brilliant. Wagner will always be more or 
less associated with this  for me. [The ironic truth of the Vietnam War—at 
as expressed by Ford Coppola:—its incongruity, its hopelessness, its heroic and 
corrupted confusion—gets said viscerally through Wagner.] 
I have no listening experience with the Lady Gaga other than exposure through 
13 year old. But from what I've read here on FFL I'm going to change that.
In may be the ticket to get my 13 year old to stop laughing at me for listening 
to Hanna Montana, which was just an attempt to understand my daughter, better. 
This Lady Gaga may be the source of the "you're so lame and yesterday" taunts 
thrown at my by my daughter. I thought she was talking about MACCA's problems 
with Yoko or something. Does Yoko listen to Lady Gaga, someone told me  yes.
 No, I will dive deep within this afternoon—get to the 'source of 
thought'—ingratiate myself with Guru Dev—and get back to you.
Please keep me posted on this. I have some questions for Guru Dev and his 
feelings about the Gould variations as well.
 The Tour is off. (Wait 'till my De-enlightenment produces a "simple, natural, 
mechanical technique"—For what? For getting deprogrammed from Transcendental 
Meditation and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—without any bitterness left over. No, 
better than this: discovering a mental and SCIENTIFIC procedure that can 
transform one's EVOLUTION under MMY and TM into the experience of living off of 
a sense of knowingness that there IS no reality out there to know, other than 
the reality of knowing this.)
I hear you! The main thing is that I can now say I'm your manager, 
metaphorically speaking! How's that for a close?
And PERHAPS a future revelation of what the Death Experience is going to be 
like—for each person personally. Now that would be something. Maharishi, as I 
have said elsewhere here, I think he got more than he bargained for when he 
faced the music. He did not "get off the wheel of death and rebirth". But I 
haven't even begun to figure that guy out. But that he still exists as an 
individual? I am sure of it. And it ain't pretty. 

Something like that, Bob. Meanwhile the "walking on the sunshine" has just the 
right effect on me. And I thank you for your felicitous posts.
I have to go, we can pick this up in another post. The wife is up and she's a 
bear till she meditates. She needs me to  meditate with her. I'm sure my 
is helping her transcend and just won't admit it.
One last thing MZ. As I think you figured out, I'm a globalist and I love 
everything eastern and everything western although not equally and definitely 
not unconditionally, my Jack Russell is the only one that gets that treatment. 
So in my next post I want to pick up on this "Elvis has left the building" 
thinking of yours. If I thought for a minute that Elvis had left the building I 
would be thinking more about a rope for myself rather than my next spa 
treatment. So until then LOL. 

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