Excuse this duplicate - Yahoo appears to be eating posts again.

I am laughing so hard at you when posting about you Barry, that as a Buddhist 
you should consider that A GOOD THANG! No anger here, just another asshole like 
yourself. Enjoy it while it lasts! Oneness!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Did anyone notice that the bash-Barry fest last night
> was all ABOUT afflictive emotions?
> One drama queen, still smarting from a largely imagined
> offense months ago, misrepresents what happened, *in order
> to get some kind of 'payback' to the person who he still
> has a grudge against*.
> The next person, bearing even more of a grudge, piles on
> and tries to expand this fit of dwelling in the past and
> drama queen hysterics, and tries her best to get as many
> other people involved in it as possible. She goes on and
> on for several posts trying to do this, almost as if it
> were some kind of (dare I say it?) obsession for her.
> Meanwhile I was asleep, not a party to any of this at all.
> Since waking up and noticing it, I've tried merely to 
> point out what should have been obvious from the start. 
> This was all about afflictive emotions. Two people with
> a *grudge they cannot get over* leapt upon the first 
> excuse presented to them to act out about it again. 
> Addicted to the Spite OS, they just couldn't wait to
> indulge in it again. 
> You may see this whole thing differently, but that's how
> I see it. It's about indulging in the afflictive emotions,
> and the residual obsessions that form in those who *do*
> indulge in them when they do it for many years.

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