--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > The only reason Barry was identified as the guilty party
> > was that Curtis was outraged and demanded to know who it
> > was, and I went back and looked it up. (And of course
> > when Curtis found out it was Barry, he backed off fast.)
> I'll just have to settle for this in liu of the right word
> for the job:  Judy is knowingly misrepresenting my objections

I made no representation of your objections in the post
you're responding to. And you've already acknowledged 
that my representation of your objections in an earlier
post was correct.

So who is knowingly engaging in misrepresentation here?

> and is creating a false impression ment to mislead the
> readers into drawing an erroneous conclusion concerning
> my POV and my stated postition and this was not an
> innocent error, but is a malicious attempt to obfuscate
> the truth and perpetrate a falsehood

I stand by what I said. You found out it was Barry, and
you backed off fast.

Your initial outrage was based on a misinterpretation of
what Dan had said, reading into it stuff that wasn't
there and then taking it in the worst possible light,
accusing him of misrepresentation because what had
actually happened turned out not to confirm your
misinterpretation. His description was accurate, just
an oversimplification of a complicated situation created
by Barry (who had taken Dan's accidental email in the
worst possible light and then attempted viciously to
humiliate him for an innocent mistake).

But even granting, for the sake of argument, that you
had good reason to back off your initial outrage when
you found out the situation was not what you had at
first imagined on the basis of Dan's remark, you were 
unwilling to criticize Barry with regard to what had
actually gone down once you had read the original posts.

I submit that if it hadn't been Barry who had pulled
that inexcusable stunt with Dan, you wouldn't have been
so quick to brush it off.

That's what I meant by "backed off fast."

And speaking of misrepresentation:

> As if my non particiapation the first time around was not
> enough of a message that I didn't care about the hilarity
> that ensued in the clusterfuck misadventures of people who
> hate each other 

You weren't here the first time around. You were absent
from the group from before Thanksgiving till the end of
March. The Barry-debacle took place in January.

That's why you demanded to know who the perp was. You'd
never seen the original episode and had no idea what Dan
was talking about.

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