Barry wow this is really cutting edge, oops was cutting a wrong word to use - 
considering the Buddhist origin of this research? 

You seem to have quite a talent in recognizing the type of OS everyone's 
running purely on the basis of email communications unlike the poor lady below? 
( Did you even bother to check if the poor lady below had any medical 

Is this the occult energy thing that you referred to in the past that gives you 
this ability?

Are these occult energy readings of yours free? Can I have one too please - So 
what's your prognosis for me - Spite OS, Envy OS or just the dual OS that you 
run - The Bully Victim OS? 

My diagnosis of you - all this crap about various OS's is yet another clever 
way of spreading your malware on FFL.

The anti-virus experts here are too well tested to be fooled by your strategy 
of trying to project them as SpiteOS, EnvyOS.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> To differentiate between just having a passing flash of anger or envy or
> momentary feelings of spite and what I mean by "indulging in" such
> emotions, a example would help.
> I once moved into a house in a small mini-neighborhood, and one of the
> first neighbors I met was a lady I'll call M. M was an old woman,
> nearing 70. She saw me in my yard one day, realized I was a new
> neighbor, and walked over. Rather than saying hello, her opening line
> was "You must let me warn you about Mr. J, who lives in the house next
> to mine. He lets his dog shit in my garden."
> I thought to myself, "Uh huh," and made my excuses, claiming to have an
> important task I needed to get to, like darning my socks. This scene
> repeated itself with frightening regularity over the coming weeks. M
> would corner not just me but everyone who entered the neighborhood and
> "warn" them about Mr. J and his terrible dog, who shat in her garden. I
> was chatting with some other neighbors one day and she came up and did
> her number on all of us again, and one of the other neighbors said
> gently, "M, don't you think it's time you got over this? The dog shit in
> your garden *two years ago*. When it happened, and you complained about
> it to Mr. J, he built a fence. It hasn't happened since. Why do you keep
> going on and on about it?"
> M stepped back like this man had slapped her in the face. She went all
> purple-faced and started screaming over and over, "THE DOG SHIT IN MY
> neighbors finally had to call her son to come over and quiet her down. I
> was told that this was sadly a fairly frequent occurrence.
> THAT is indulging in one of the afflictive emotions.
> If the emotion just "passes through" and then is gone, that's one thing.
> When the person actually *holds on* to the emotion -- be it anger or
> envy or hatred or spite or a desire for revenge -- for days, weeks,
> months, or even more shockingly like poor M, years, it's quite another.
> If the Buddhist theory of each of these afflictive emotions being a kind
> of operating system that imposes a corresponding state of attention on
> the person indulging in that emotion is true, imagine the effects of
> indulging in anger and spite like this woman did for years. Try to
> imagine what it DID to her, and how it forced her to see the world.
> After a certain point the only thing she *could* see was this dog
> shitting in her garden two years ago, and her need to exact revenge for
> it. Sad.
> My suggestion is that I think we have a couple of people on this forum
> who are in the same ballpark with regard to indulging in the past, and
> in their attachment to afflictive emotions that came up for them in that
> past. And I think it colors their perceptions as much as M's were
> colored by one tiny dog taking one tiny dump in one tiny garden. The
> original *incident* wasn't worth getting all bent out of shape over. But
> to allow it to warp her for YEARS? This is the danger that Buddhists see
> in indulging in the afflictive emotions.

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