--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> > Hard not to love Sid the Kid. Hockey will never be the same until he
> is playing again.
> I know just how you feel.  I have all those same emotions about.  Even
> though I have my team that I follow, the Crosby episode was just so
> painful, and continues to be until we see him back out there, and feel
> that he is fully recovered.
> But I felt sort of the same way about the Women's World Cup when the
> Japanese forward called back on on offsides breakaway that wasn't
> offsides.  (in the final)  It bothers me when when things get messed up
> like that.
RESPONSE: Oh, you bring up Women's World Cup Soccer. Well, I understand what 
you say here, but this is my opportunity to say that the 2011 US women's soccer 
team was one of my favourite sports teams of all time. That game against 
Brazil: did you see that virtually last second goal that tied the game and sent 
it into a penalty shoot-out?

I don't know. Something about the women on that team: they made me want them to 
win almost more than I have ever wanted anyone to win.

And this too: when the US women played I enjoyed soccer even more than during 
the World Cup for men. In fact seeing them (the Women's US ream) play Brazil, 
then France, and finally Japan, it was the most compelling I have ever found 
the game of soccer.

The character, the spirit of those women: never seen anything quite like it. 
They won me over completely. I never dreamed they would end it with a loss to 


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