On 08/03/2011 12:33 PM, Mark Landau wrote:
> On Aug 3, 2011, at 12:43 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> Yup, Charlie Lutes told the same story and I still have the book it is
>> in.  I haven't looked it up but I think he said it took place when in
>> British Columbia.
>> The siddhi is Stambhan.  It allows one to mentally paralyze or put them
>> in a stupor.  I've learned it allow with the other tantric siddhis

Should have been "along" not "allow" (I type too fast).
>> including Uchattan and Maran from my tantra guru.  Handy tools to have
>> but often the most useful is Vashikaran.  One of those siddhis makes
>> people always receive you pleasantly.
>> Well, if this is right, then M did it at least twice in two places at two 
>> times, imagine, dual corroboration he had the siddhi
> And, no, I never read Charlie's book, nor did Charlie tell me his story...
> I was just innocently relating my own experience, and look what came down
> Kinda like that time I ran into Jimi at Manny's...

I'm sure he would use the same trick given the same situation.  They are 
very useful tools and not something you'd hand out like the "siddhi 
lite" techniques.  In tantra you have to "earn" them.

Do you have "a friend of the king" yoga too? ;-)

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