--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Beth Cook <bethcook84@...> wrote:
> My name is Beth, I'm from Canada.
> I was just initiated into Transcendental Meditation
> and I just joined Fairfield Life.�I'm hoping to learn�
> more about meditation�but I'm concerned my�
> questions have already been discussed.�Should I look�
> in the Fairfield Life archives�or can I just post my questions?

Hi Beth. Be aware that this is the "I'm a TM fanatic vs I'm a former TM fanatic 
turned anti-TM-fanatic" forum.

You won't get neutral observations about the TM organization or its effects, 
positive or negative, on this forum. we're the fools who have nothing better to 
do with our time besides argue about the number of Maharishis dancing on the 
head of a pin.


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