HA HA! A perfect trajectory Ravi.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi" <raviyogi@...> wrote:
> Here's a concise definition of Enlightenment from Dr. Ravi Yogi's classic - 
> Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Enlightenment, Rebel House Publishing, 
> Chapter 9, Page 108 -
> "Enlightenment is the divine hard-on caused by the partaking of the stolen 
> divine vodka from the hidden wine cellar of the Guru and the inability to 
> shake off this divine hard-on despite repeated orgies with the Beloved."
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > What is your personal definition of "enlightenment?" Where did it come
> > from? I would suggest that these two questions are inexorably linked,
> > and some thought can be productively given to that link.
> > 
> > In another spiritual tradition, albeit a short-lived one, the definition
> > of enlightenment given to students was "The ability to manifest golden
> > light, and be funny." Not coincidentally, the teacher who proposed this
> > definition was capable of producing the reality of or the subjective
> > impression of golden light, and was pretty damned funny. To this day
> > many of his students consider these two qualities to be THE definition
> > of enlightenment. Some of them throw into the mix, "Does he drive a
> > Mercedes?," but the two biggies are golden light and funny.
> > 
> > This has always struck me as being similar to Barry Bonds declaring that
> > enlightenment is defined by the ability to hit 762 home runs during
> > one's career as a major league baseball player. Bzzzzzt.
> > 
> > Maharishi was a big one for definitions. He proposed many such
> > definitions of enlightenment. Were they true, or were they him parroting
> > what he'd been told by his own teachers? I personally don't think we'll
> > ever know, but it has not escaped my attention that many people believe
> > that his definitions of enlightenment were 100 percent accurate, because
> > -- of course -- he was enlightened, and thus knew fersure. Some former
> > Rama students feel the same way.
> > 
> > I am less than convinced, which makes me somewhat of a heretic with
> > regard to their teachings. Both of them. I have no earthly idea what
> > "enlightenment" is fersure, and I certainly don't take either of their
> > definitions as to what it is as gospel, or as truth.
> > 
> > These days I don't even CARE very much about the buzzword
> > "enlightenment," or about assigning it to anyone. It's just a buzzword,
> > a pseudo-definition of something I am not convinced can ever be defined.
> > Does that make me a Bad Person?
> >

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