On 08/09/2011 04:50 PM, Vaj wrote:
> On Aug 9, 2011, at 7:35 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> The term simply means experiencing an "inner light" ideally 24/7. It
>> does not mean an intellectual state though many confuse it with one.
>> But it should improve clarity of thinking. The process is raising the
>> vibrational rate of the individual ideally enough so you aren't stuck
>> coming back to this lower world. ;-)
> Great point - and a universal one: authentic awakening is universally 
> photistic.
> If you confuse that with intellectual "enlightenments" you really missed the 
> point.
> As a friend pointed out 'it's like a skylight opened in the top of my head.'

And as I have mentioned before Indians talk about seeing the third eye 
opened and I've seen that myself on people.  It's a little spot of light 
coming out of that area.

What I gave is pretty much the classical definition but people sure love 
to make up their own and those can be very strange.  And in many cases 
they seem to want to make enlightenment further away than it really is.

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