Thank you for proving my point.

Your response demonstrates that you are
not a Shaiva, as you have referenced in the
past but rather you are a Shaita.
Shaita 's a very special type of Crow-Shait
only found among Mainers.

Your definition also proves that you adhere
closely to the  "Barry-atric-I" school of bull-shait -
where it's all about you.

A classically carved shivalingam is a construct
of linga and piitha, divine body and divine throne.

The susksmaa-muurti is an embodiment shaped
like a pillar or shaft of emanating energy (tejas),
undivided into parts, pervading the highest
bindu, which is identical with Shiva-tattva.

The mantra body or vidyaa-deha, is the super-
anthropmorphic body of sadaa-shiva, with
5 faces and 10 arms. This is where Parama-
Shiva, who is formless, descends to become directly
present in the form of mantra to his worshiper.

If you knew any of this you would never call a
Shiva-Lingam a penis. Linga means a "mark", an
"indication" by which something else is designated.
No Shaiva or  Vaishnava would talk this way ... ever.

Nice of you to prove your fake identity once again.
Please keep it up.

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Aug 11, 2011, at 12:25 AM, emptybill wrote:
> > Ever done a Maha-rudra-abhishekam Vag?
> >
> > You don't need a pujari in a temple to do one.
> > You just need proper instruction, a classically
> > carved shivalingam and the correct mantras,
> > and not long ones at that.
> >
> > But you won't find it in webinars.
> So you're saying you worship a penis. I hope that's very powerful for
> you.
> Aren't you from the Bible Belt?
> I hope you at least draw the curtains.

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