How does Bobaji think he has insulted my testonical (new english) masculinity?
I am all ears and other dangle-amenities ...

A song dedicated to the over Priced treatment center you are visiting:

--- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> Turq,
> As always, great to read your post. More below.
> ________________________________
> From: turquoiseb <>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 5:53:18 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] The FFL Asylum [was Re: Blissy vs. Happy]
> Bob, I was busy on other projects when your first post in this laudable
> series appeared, and thus wasn't able to comment. I shall belatedly do
> so, if for no other reason than to applaud your attempt to get people to
> focus on you by writing something creative. As opposed to the other
> approaches, you understand -- whining, pleading, insults, ad hominem,
> demonization, etc. -- all of which leave me kinda cold. Plus, you
> deserve commendation for sneaking past Nurse Ratched and announcing your
> ascendency to a higher state of consciousness, despite her rules.
> ***It's interesting you mentioned our nurse who oddly enough
> Mel nicknamed Nurse Ratched. She's the type of woman whose many gifts make it
> more than easy to fantasize about her with her clothes off, in any number of
> colors----paint spray can in hand.  Mel and I have a wager on the color of 
> her Victoria Secrets. I've
> gone with black---no he didn't take red----and he doubled down on white.
> Anti-Semite that he is, old Mel is crafty; white on white fits the sadistic
> streak we've noticed in her insisting I wear a pink Johnny shirt with my butt
> showing. She was cheeky enough to ask me; "How do you like being covered
> in pink?" Of course this doesn't limit my imagining her in her white
> Victoria Secrets dancing to a Fosse tune.
> I share your fears whether the planet is ready for another realized,
> realized being at this point. That might overclock the cosmic CPU that
> runs the Maharishi Effect, and propel too many slackers into the Age Of
> Everything The Way We Want It To Be too quickly. Better to let the Laws
> Of Nature handle the timing of such important phase transitions.
> ***Couldn't agree more. With my recent exchanges with some of
> my fellow not realized, realized travelers I realized that the realization 
> that
> I'm not realized, realized does not preclude the witnessing and execution of a
> whole range of emotions that could still end life as we know it.  Imagine if 
> one or more of my fellow
> travelers gone their hands on the presidents briefcase or heaven forbid the
> Agni option in the great nation of India.  With the added feature of being 
> able to witness their rage and
> trepidation there’s no telling how far things could get out of hand.
> I also humbly apologize if acting out my "People Of Color" rap got you
> into hot water with the wife, and led to your incarceration. I really
> meant to add a caveat saying "Don't try this at least not
> without obtaining prior written consent to paint a woman a different
> color." I've gone the "no prior consent" route myself, and as a result
> have found myself and my spray cans running down an alley, pursued by
> police. Not a happy situation. Better to be up front about it, and bring
> it up first in casual conversation over a glass of wine in a picturesque
> sidewalk cafe, a la, "You remind me so much of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi
> that I wonder if you'd consider letting me paint you blue." That line
> has worked for me more often than you'd imagine.
> ***The "Don't try this at home..." caution would have been a big
> help, but I don't blame you as much as I might blame Emptybill for introducing
> me to the "mantras that really work". I figure he owes me when day
> pass day comes.
> Finally, I really appreciate you reserving me a Netflix-enabled bed in
> the asylum. I look forward to watching "X" over and over, especially
> every time Nurse Ratched comes around with my meds. She gets SO angry
> when she sees women more slim and more attractive than herself, and Viva
> Bianca is pretty much the queen of both. The films in this
> basket-weaving exercise may be preordained by Netflix, but the use I put
> them to is my own weaving. Heh heh.
> ***I have a feeling you and Nurse Ratched are going to get
> along just fine.
> The only questions I have about your enlightened vision of the FFL
> Asylum are: 1) there seems to be no bed reserved for Curtis; I can only
> imagine that he would spice up the group therapy sessions big-time, and
> 2) you haven't mentioned who picks up the tab at the bar. As you can
> imagine (having written all of this and still only halfway through a
> single Westmalle Tripel), the eventual size of the bar bill is of
> interest to me, and to my health insurance provider.
> ***I think previous FFL posts they found in my Yahoo account
> determined the sleeping arrangements. Turns out they are considering inviting
> Curtis as a guest lecturer. I'm actually a little concerned they might figure
> out Curtis is more like us than they think and he has an inner child guru
> wanting to break out and party.   
> Not to worry about the bar tab. The wife does not realize
> (she's looking for straight up realization) my management consulting agreement
> with her firm covers bar bills no matter how big they get.
> Another thing I'm curious about, given your fondness for movies and good
> TV series, is who you'd cast in the movie of "The FFL Asylum." Who would
> play you? Who would play Robin? And most important -- because, after
> all, none of us would have been committed here if we weren't suffering
> from terminal narcissism -- who would play me? I'm still drawn to Kevin
> Spacey, if he's available and willing to grow a beard and put on a few
> pounds for the role. Physically (even though we all know the physical
> doesn't really exist) I resemble the "before" picture of him as Lester
> Burnham more than I do the "after" picture. Do they have a gym in the
> asylum? Gotta start pumpin' up in case this movie goes large, and people
> from People magazine start coming to the asylum to interview me.
> ***This is easy; Kevin Spacey definitely plays you, Brad Pitt
> or George Clooney get Curtis, Emptybill picks who best works for him, but I
> suggest Jeff Goldblum, Robin has to be played by Dan Aykroyd  or Bill Murray 
> and I can't imagine
> anyone besides Samuel L. Jackson playing me. 
>       Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â

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