Only took three "nice" posts before he had to go
back to "bastard." ;-)

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Since this seems to be an ongoing thing, back to
> the post that nails it most accurately:
> --- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@> wrote:
> >
> > Jim, Judy and now, it appears, Robin,
> > can't get Barry to engage in their
> > childishness, so instead they have
> > to go at him indirectly, insulting
> > him amongst themselves.

As I pointed out to Stupid Sal, Barry does
just as much "piling on" as anybody else,
if not more (the post I'm responding to
being an example).
> That's really it. Ravi, too. My "sin" is 
> that I won't give them any attention and
> allow them to suck me into an argument so 
> that they can spew their venom at me.

Says Barry, not giving us any attention. ;-)

Barry, we don't *need* you to argue with us.
We can spew our venom at you just fine without
your participation, just as you have no problem
spewing your venom at us without our

> the more I ignore them, and the more that
> their attempts *to* suck me into arguments 
> fail, the more obsessive and the more 
> pissed off they seem to get.

No, that's your fantasy. It isn't borne out by
the traffic.

Our criticism of you has *nothing* to do with
your refraining from arguing. Nothing. It has
to do with your persistent all-around nastiness
and hypocrisy.

> Was I right on by calling this syndrome 
> "attention vampirism," or what? They're all 
> acting like vampires who haven't been able 
> to feed for some time, and are starting to
> starve.

Nope. Your fantasy, again.

It's obvious that you desperately *need* to
maintain this fantasy. You also hope that
somehow voicing it will intimidate us into
not criticizing you. But it doesn't work, 
never has, as many times as you've used it.

As I've pointed out before, if you don't want
to be criticized, *stop doing* what you're
being criticized for.

One might even suggest that your relentless
unpleasantness is designed to *provoke*
criticism, because you don't have as much 
success as you crave getting attention any
other way. If anybody here on FFL is an
"attention vampire," it's you.

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