* * No, Mark, I haven't returned to the Dome since 2006. It felt and looked as 
if M wanted me in there for that time -- that was really why I went, as I had 
no desire from my side to return  -- and it was an incredible gift that healed 
the very last of my judgments and the unfinished business between us, bursting 
my heart open again and again as he upheld my entire life and being, even and 
especially the "heretical" parts, and showed me what everything looked like 
from his side in incredible unconditional Love. Not that I had even known I 
still desired such! But that was it -- I see it now as his exceedingly generous 
farewell gift to me, and I remain blown away, at once deeply humbled and 
exalted by it all to this day.

I cannot really speak for you, of course, Mark, but yes, I have been finding it 
most healthy and simple to take responsiblity for my entire world and all the 
stories I spin therein, especially the parts that disturb me the most, as 
therein lies the greatest opportunity for growth in Love and self-knowledge, as 
Love, like Brahman, consumes everything, swallows every one of us whole.

I am not sure about any mandatoriness of suit and dome-going; it probably 
varies from job to job but I have never inquired. I will if you really wish me 
to, but I am not at present particularly involved with that arena. And yes, we 
would love to welcome you here -- my good and great friend Tom T. especially 
has inquired about you repeatedly, and would love to hear from you sometime.

*L*L*L* always :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> Have you been to the dome since those 2 weeks in 2006?  Would I have to take 
> responsibility for M having the kind of sex with Jennifer that made her run 
> away screaming and refusing to come back (not that I haven't done that 
> selfsame thing in a different kind of way so, in that way, I do take 
> responsibility for it)?  If I worked at MUM, would going to the dome twice a 
> day and wearing a suit and tie be mandatory?  I would probably feel better 
> about working for MUM than the nuclear man, but I'm not sure it would be the 
> best move for me.  But, like I said, I don't rule anything out.
> But being warm-heartedly welcomed by you and your closest friends would be 
> one of the reasons I would come there!
> LL&L back at ya,
> m
> On Sep 16, 2011, at 8:58 PM, RoryGoff wrote:
> > * * You never know, Mark! I was re-admitted to the Dome in 2006 after 24 
> > years' absence, despite all I had done, said, and written over the years, 
> > and the "rap-sheet" they clearly still had on file. (Admittedly, in the 
> > meantime I had taken full responsibility for and healed all of those MMY- 
> > and TMO-related wounds and dramas I had perceived as coming from "out 
> > there".) 
> > 
> > And what a homecoming it was -- overwhelmingly fulfilling beyond my wildest 
> > imagination and beyond my ability to express, during the two weeks I was 
> > called to be in the Dome. Granted, nowhere near as intimate a relationship 
> > as the one you contemplate. But I do guarantee you this -- if you come to 
> > Fairfield you will find a warm-hearted welcome, at the very least from me 
> > and my closest friends here! :-)
> > 
> > *L*L*L*
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> > >
> > > I actually, believe it or not, haven't completely ruled something like 
> > > this out, though, from what I've written here, said in the film, etc., I 
> > > would probably never be welcome. And then I'd have to deal with the Jim 
> > > Mayhews of the world on a daily basis... Not sure I could do it.
> > > 
> > > On Sep 16, 2011, at 2:21 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Probably not my salvation, I have pretty much given up on that, 
> > > > > again, but, hopefully, helpful. And, yes, I have been flirting with 
> > > > > dangerous dream worlds all my life. Perhaps this one will finally get 
> > > > > me...:-)
> > > > > I haven't written off getting another job and still may, my situation 
> > > > > is more complicated than most in that, not only am I jobless, but in 
> > > > > applying for any job, I have to tell them why I'm jobless... 
> > > > > I have applied for a few, but, of course, didn't get them. But then I 
> > > > > stopped instead of getting on the stick and applying for every 
> > > > > reasonable one I could find. That's, really, what it would take for 
> > > > > me to get one and I haven't yet been motivated enough to do that.
> > > > > It is all still unclear. Hopefully, my way forward will reveal itself 
> > > > > in due time. IME, the invisible realms/God/the universe has always 
> > > > > provided what is needed in its own good time. Hopefully, that will be 
> > > > > the case again. I think before the job must come clarity on where I 
> > > > > really should be. I definitely am floating in the cloud of unknowing 
> > > > > on just about everything right now. Not such a bad place to be...
> > > > 
> > > > Why not go to MUM ! With your creditials they'll give a job for sure.
> > > > 
> > > >
> > >
> > 
> >

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