So here's my problem with all this--wanting to maintain accountability and 
veracity in the 3D world, which, really, we must continue to do, I believe, as 
3D beings.
The way you're painting it here, M did everything from unconditional love, he 
was perfect and did no wrong--the TB viewpoint.
God or the Satguru does everything from universal love.  Humans have foibles, 
flaws, corruption.
As beings, we, ultimately, must incorporate it all; take responsibility for it 
all; face, embrace and heal it all; acknowledge it all as who we are.
But we can still use discernment, objective vulnerability, if you will, to 
perceive the crimes perpetrated by another, perceive, embrace and own them as 
crimes we, too, in one way or another, have committed.
Are you trying here to make M a perfect being, one who never acted from a 
smaller, corrupt part of himself?

On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:43 AM, RoryGoff wrote:

> * * Hey, Mark! Many thanks; new responses interleaved (* * *) below...
> --- In, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you, this is interesting, see below.
> > 
> > On Sep 16, 2011, at 10:42 PM, RoryGoff wrote:
> > 
> No, Mark, I haven't returned to the Dome since 2006. It felt and looked as if 
> M wanted me in there for that time -- that was really why I went, as I had no 
> desire from my side to return -- and it was an incredible gift that healed 
> the very last of my judgments and the unfinished business between us, 
> bursting my heart open again and again as he upheld my entire life and being, 
> even and especially the "heretical" parts, and showed me what everything 
> looked like from his side in incredible unconditional Love. Not that I had 
> even known I still desired such! But that was it -- I see it now as his 
> exceedingly generous farewell gift to me, and I remain blown away, at once 
> deeply humbled and exalted by it all to this day.
> Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> > Hmm, while he was still here. Nice. Can't say that he so gifted me, nor 
> > that I perceived him as always behaving from incredible unconditional Love. 
> * * * Yes, shockingly nice. From my POV it was entirely unexpected and wholly 
> unmerited, given my history, although in retrospect I suppose it was nature's 
> response to all the Work or "inner housecleaning" I had done over the years. 
> A "Build it and We will come" kind of thing, maybe. "Is this Heaven? No; it's 
> a cornfield in Iowa." Darshan or Grace or Love looks much like an electrical 
> current, automatically flowing when there is receptivity, and not as 
> obviously when there is resistance. But I am finding that the resistance is 
> always only my own, stemming from a failure on my part to Love wholly 
> whatever aspect of wholeness Love is currently showing me. Our inner stories 
> and judgments can sometimes block our perception and appreciation of it.
> Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> How do you reconcile this with the Hitler images?
> * * * I reconciled it by unconditionally Loving all of it as myself; once 
> done, my most nightmarish demon "out there" becomes my loving devata/devotee 
> "in here", my own beautiful child, my self. I am finding Love to be the only 
> universal currency and universal solvent.
> RoryGoff wrote:
> > > I cannot really speak for you, of course, Mark, but yes, I have been 
> > > finding it most healthy and simple to take responsiblity for my entire 
> > > world and all the stories I spin therein, especially the parts that 
> > > disturb me the most, as therein lies the greatest opportunity for growth 
> > > in Love and self-knowledge, as Love, like Brahman, consumes everything, 
> > > swallows every one of us whole.
> Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> > Yes, I think if we can take responsibility for everything we perceive in 
> > all that is, we're doing ourselves and all that is the most justice, not 
> > that I can always do that.
> * * God knows, it is not always easy nor immediate. Sometimes it has taken me 
> years to understand and fulfill the specific nagging needs of some of my 
> demon/devatas :-)
> RoryGoff wrote:
> > > I am not sure about any mandatoriness of suit and dome-going; it probably 
> > > varies from job to job but I have never inquired. I will if you really 
> > > wish me to, but I am not at present particularly involved with that 
> > > arena. And yes, we would love to welcome you here -- my good and great 
> > > friend Tom T. especially has inquired about you repeatedly, and would 
> > > love to hear from you sometime.
> Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> > No, of course not. I wouldn't ask you to do that. If I ever come to that 
> > bridge, which I doubt, I'll find out soon enough. 
> * * True, you will! 
> Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> Maybe I'll get in touch with Tom or try that again.
> * * We would love that, Mark, if you felt like so doing.
> > > *L*L*L* always :-)
> > > 
> > Thanks, U2, m
> * * Thanks!

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