This is along the lines of Letterman in his opening monologue saying: "Today I 
sent my kid to Scientology camp". I was being ironic. My theory is extreme and 
impossible, viewed outside of my own experience. I was drawing attention to 
just how outrageous it is (Mount Cassino Idea). Bob Price *does* however 
understand the theory pretty well. Which is why he posted that remarkable video 
of the actual Allied bombing of MC. The theory (mine) was vindicated based upon 
what I perceived (or thought I perceived) while viewing that video. The whole 
thing comes out of my subjectivity. It is as unreasonable and 
anti-commonsensical as anything could be.

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Sep 22, 2011, at 10:55 PM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > Looks like I've got some reading to do, emptybill. Thanks for the  
> > sources.
> >
> > Why can't everyone just agree with me: My theory is so damn  
> > reasonable and commonsensical. No?
> Actually no. You taken by a fad that came and went - and you attached  
> great over-importance to your own involvement therein.
> If one takes some time and gains the experience of really learning  
> mantra-yoga and the mantra-shastras, a good teacher will tell from  
> the get go, that mantra meditation (i.e. TM, etc.) only covers the  
> mental realm of the person. It doesn't address the other "layers of  
> wholeness", the pranic body, etc. that, for example, Advaita Vedanta  
> sees as our layers of wholeness.
> It's unlikely that for someone with such a limited POV that anyone is  
> going to convince you of something other than your own experience,  
> which seems quite limited. Given that you may be suffering from some  
> sort of TM-induced mental issues makes it even less likely. I could  
> beat on you, but it's doubtful even then that the demons would leave.
> But I do wish you the best in your recovery.

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