Dearest Masked Zorro, as  "seventhray1"   answered your post so nice
(please scroll down)"I think we've all learned something from this, and
I hope going forward it will make all of us more responsible posters."
allow me to (re)send my tutorial from 12.July (c.Mr.Manning)to you

--- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Just a further explanation for the THREE: I spotted several glaring
errors in the first posted version. I wrote to RA enclosing an edited
version of the Open Letter to BM. RA said I should post it myself;
meanwhile he would delete the original. I gave him the wrong message
number, and (not knowing this) assumed, when I posted that second
version, the first version would go simultaneously. But no. Now two
posted versions of the letter were on FFL. After giving RA the right
message number, both the first and the second versions were deleted.
Which meant I had to post the corrected version another time.

When you posted the second time, do you not feel it would have been
adviseable to make it clear it was a second corrected posting and just a
reposting of the original post.  I think this is where people are really
getting confused.  Then with the third posting, if it were me, I would
have seen fit to use a different font, or even possibly, a different
text color.  But really, I'm not sure.  Also, there may not have been
enough difference in the three posting for the undiscerning eye to make
a distinction.  What I have tried to do in that case, is make a footnote
of some type in the title.  I learned this from some of the more
experiened posters.  But you're right, it's a pretty bad situation, and
I appreciate your efforts to try to make it right.  I think we've all
learned something from this, and I hope going forward it will make all
of us more responsible posters.

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