--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@...> wrote:
> On Sep 24, 2011, at 5:26 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > As for people claiming not to know that deleting a post
> > doesn't affect their Post Count, given  the number of
> > times the Post Count mechanism has been explained on
> > this forum, and how recently, I find it difficult to
> > comprehend that level of stupidity. If you sent it, it's
> > counted.
> No kidding.  How many times has Alex or Rick 
> gone over that?  It's either stupidity or...
> lying.

Rick "went over it" exactly once, on July 29; Alex "went
over it" exactly once since then, yesterday.

Sal's remark is either stupidity or...lying (as is
Barry's comment).

> > It's like karma...once you've done it, it's just out
> > there, being counted. Live with it.

As of July 29, not previously. And as noted, the
status of deletions in a person's post count has
not been mentioned since then, until yesterday.
> And then there was the whining about people 
> sticking it to them once they've posted out!

Sal would be greatly distressed if she weren't
able to "stick it" to overposters once they can
no longer respond.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

> And how Rick should censor them. (And if he
> doesn't, that of course makes him a Bad Person.)
> And that that makes sense because they themselves
> have just gotten "censored."  Which again is
> either stupid or lying.

And this is obviously just *stupid*. The point is
that the banned overposter *can't respond to the
mean people like Sal* when she "sticks it to them."

> Nobody told her *what* to post, only not to go over
> the limit, which applies to everyone.

Here Sal has completely lost the thread of what she
was talking about and is just babbling incoherently.

> I really think Judy is
> getting close to some kind of mythical "edge."

Actually I think it's Sal who's on the verge of some
unfortunate mental breakdown.

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