> Of course, once the soul is free, it can go anyplace, 
> do anything, think anything, say anything, so it is 
> probably likely that if a liberated soul is on here, 
> they will speak freely about anything they wish to 
> speak about. Nothing to sell. Not above or below 
> anyone else.
Also, there is the notion that everyone is already 
'enlightened' from birth, but many are not 'realized'. 

If being in the enlightened state is a normal state, 
then all you have to do is realize it. But, is this a 
physiological transformation or a mental transformation?

If physiological, then what physical process do we 
employ in order to gain the realization of our own 
enlightenment? If mental, what thought could cause our 
mind to realize it's own full potential?

The physiological path of realization would probably 
involve some physical type of yoga technique. But, a 
purely mental realization would require a simple 
'turning about in the seat of concsciouness', by perhaps 
just entertaining a particular thought.

But, the real question is, are we free or bound? If 
bound, by what means can we free ourselves? If free, 
there would be no need of a yoga anyway.

Either way, you're only going to get as much 
enlightenment as you are going to get, so it may be 
useless to strive for it, at any rate. 

So, just Be - it's that simple.

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