> > Also, there is the notion that everyone is already 
> > 'enlightened' from birth, but many are not 'realized'. 
> >
Xenophaneros Anartaxius:
> This notion is interesting because it basically states 
> that reality is here all the time and we are just 
> mis-perceiving it somehow...
So, I'm thinking that 'enlightenment' doesn't mean the 
bringing of two things together and making them one thing 
- the practice and the goal. What's to be realized is the
*inseparability* of Being and action. 

Enlightenment is not something you do, or think about, 
or attain, like an object of cognition pursued by grasping.

Inseparability means having never been separate from the 
beginning. According to Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Being
is Light - it needs no other light to illuminate it.

The realization of Being means that nothing has ever been 
anything other than perfectly unified. So as practitioners 
of the TM, what is basic and fundamental is to realize the 
unity or inseparability of practice AND realization. 

A meditation that is transcendental IS enlightenment.

'The View of Dzogchen'
9. Inseparability
by Lopon Tenzin Namdak

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