On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Bob Price <bobpri...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Tom,
> I hope I don't make you mad (ever), when I say: I think you're the most
> authentic voice on FFL, and
> if I ever find the talent to recreate your voice, even a bit---I'm outta
> here.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTDhgR3p12w
I am not one of the 12 angry men.  Indeed Ravi spews more hate (principally
towards me) than people might think that I spew.  Yes, I am authentic.  But
I guess so is our leftist feminazis and those who can't write less than
5,000 words to respond to a sneeze with "God Bless You".

BTW, it was not until long rounding on the sidhis that I found my voice,
discovered my true nature (I am the direct descendent of Anastasia Nokolai
and therefore the rightful heir to the Russian throne and the Czar's
fortune).  I'd reveal more but I'm being called for dinner.  Chicken Kiev
and Noodles Romanov.   And of course a nice Chianti....

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