--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
> > it might be better if you provide some advance notice
> > because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
> > anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
> > wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?
> >
> > At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> > My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were
> > exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> I have to admit, AZ, that among all of the many
> theories proposed here on FFL to try to explain
> why Judy is so chronically angry and why she acts
> the way she does, your "cat lady" theory is the best.
> Doesn't it just FIT? An already-angry 70-year-old
> woman with no friends, living alone in Buttfuck, NJ,
> and what happens? The authorities come and take away
> her dozens of cats for public health reasons. But
> they don't take away the cigarettes, so she fires
> one up, allows the nicotine to further poison her
> already-poisonous system, and decides to post to FFL,
> thinking, "I NEED an argument."
> So she starts one with Curtis, quickly turning it
> into an opportunity to dump on Vaj, since he won't
> argue with her. Then she starts another argument
> with Mike, quickly turning that into an opportunity
> to dump on Barry, because he won't argue with her,
> either. It's Maharishi-like: "Every post is a perfect
> opportunity to start an argument, and every argument
> is the perfect opportunity to re-run the obsessions
> I have already prepared."  :-)
> Good fantasy image of her. Explains pretty much
> everything.


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