Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
it might be better if you provide some advance notice
because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?

At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were 
exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.

--- In, "Mike Doughney" <mike@...> wrote:
> I'm never disappointed when I visit Fairfield Life, as long as I  assume 
> beforehand that I'm going to encounter at least a few examples of world-class 
> stupidity, sometimes of the let's-go-wallow-in-heavy-metals variety.
> As it says from your website, "One can also perform abhishek to the bead or 
> Navapashanam object and leave it in the water or milk overnight, then drink 
> the liquid (after the bead has been removed)."
> Sounds to me that the FDA would be very, very interested in this sort of 
> instruction, as the result, over the long-term, would likely be mercury 
> poisoning.
> --- In, "evananda108" <evananda@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > since people don't eat them or pop them as pills, the FDA would not be 
> > involved. Of course you probably think that the FDA should regulate 
> > everything in our lives, of course for our own safety.
> > 
> > --- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > >
> > > The color of these beads would seem to indicate that they contain either 
> > > cinnabar or an manmade amalgam of mercuric sulfide, is that correct?
> > > 
> > > Has the FDA had an opportunity to evaluate these?
> > >

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