--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> If you haven't posted it already, here's a couple of clarifications
> regarding Farben.  I've given you the short version--the story is much
> deeper and more complicated, but, in essence, it's the MO of the ruling
> elite: install an evil dictator somewhere, get him to do your bidding for
> you; bring the people and the economy under control; make money selling him
> a war machine; let him play with it a little bit, and then make profitable
> war against him, making the people believe you are liberating them from the
> evil dude.  In the process, you destroy the country and the economy, and
> then make more money rebuilding it and making the place over into a
> "democratic" (capitalist) society.  One of the dudes that helped to "bring
> Hitler to power" went on to help install the Shah of Iran and then
> engineered two or three revolutions in China.
> Here's a slightly revised version of the story:
> I've been meaning to tell you this story because it's a great story (would
> make a fabulous movie) and it also illustrates the point that the equation
> between corporate power over government and fascism is nothing new. Naomi
> Klein (in The Shock Doctrine) claims that this kind of predatory
> "capitalism" is only about thirty years old.  She is mistaken.  I teach
> American history.  The debacle we are looking at was foreseen by people back
> in the late seventeenth, early eighteenth centuries when the mercantile
> class first began to gain power.  The folks who opposed WWI (and went to
> jail for it) knew that this war wasn't about making the world safe for
> democracy.  It was, instead, to gain capitalist control of world markets.
> But here's the story.
> A year after the Federal Reserve got created, it's first chief, Paul
> Warburg, was hanging out on Wall Street with a German buddy of his by the
> name of Franz von Papen, a German "noble" man and a Papal Chamberlain (i.e.
> an agent of the Vatican).  Warburg,not so incidentally, had deep German
> roots.  His brother, Max, was head of the German financial system and its
> secret service under the Kaiser. Anyway, Franz and Paul were hanging out and
> came up with a brilliant plan. 
> They sent a couple of agents to Munich to create a secret society that
> taught meditation and some "advanced" techniques as well.  

The "meditation" techniques are well known to be "Buddistic"

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