On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 12:28 PM, richardwillytexwilliams <
willy...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > "...the sooner we decide to roll up our sleeves andÂ
> > > get back to work instead of looking for bankers to
> > > blame, the better our chances of coming back."
> > >
> Denise Evans:
> > His statement was a stereotypical corporate executive
> > "denial" statement
> >
> Herman Cain, of Godfather's Pizza, created jobs for
> Americans. He rolled up his sleeves and went to work
> creating thousands of jobs.
> Herman Cain is not responsible for current U.S.
> Government policy for U.S. corporations. I guess
> authoring corporate policy regulations is the
> responsibilty of the U.S. President and the U.S.
> Congress.
> It is not that Wall Street is completely innocent,
> but what the Occupy movement, and their intellectual
> leaders, fail to grasp is that the federal government
> has been Wall Street's partner in crime!
> The Hill Poll:
> http://pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/129933/
And pizza is so cutthroat.  You have to struggle so hard in a business
which has the highest profit margins on Earth.   A penny's worth of flour,
a few particles of yeast, a bit of cheap oil, some salt, artificial tomato
and cheese and there you have it:  cost, $0.14, sales price $22.99. get
yourself some minimum wage people to work the ovens, take the orders.
American Capitalism at its best.    Let's vote for a guy who can get
America where he got his business:  as the 8th most prosperous and powerful
nation on Earth.

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