Dear Barry Wright,

If you can ever get Curtis to admit that he is, in relationship to myself, 
acting the part of Mother Theresa, or if he, in his response to my latest post, 
gives *any* indication that this could possibly be the case, I shall cease 
posting at FFL. For what you say in this post to be true means the refutation 
and destruction of my entire philosophy. Since I take as an original premise 
the idea that I can read more or less the motives of others when they write to 
myself. So, I am declaring then, Barry, that everything you say in this post is 
false (I assume it is basically false as well with respect to the other persons 
who you categorize as being ministered to by the missionary charity of Curtis; 
but I don't profess to know this for a dead certainty). Let's put it this way, 
Barry: You are saying Curtis is writing to me for reasons which directly 
contradict what he formally professes are his reasons. Am I to believe you and 
believe him to be lying to me? I have conducted an offline correspondence with 
Curtis, and our interactions within this context would make of Curtis, should 
you be right in what you say actuates his writing to me, a psychopathic 
monster. I will simply say, Barry, you are as inherently wrong about your 
characterization of Curtis, as I am objectively right in my attribution of his 
motives in writing to me, viz, that he is utterly sincere and engaged with all 
his mind and heart. And I let this declaration stand: unless Curtis gainsays 
what I have said here—or even qualifies it in any way—I will assume that I am 
right and you, terribly, perversely wrong. You have never once even attempted 
to make your case, and you haven't here either. Again, Barry, I challenge 
Curtis: if he refuses to issue any kind of statement in support—even 
infinitesimally—of what you have said are his reasons for writing to me, I will 
assume, for the record, that you are, at least with respect to myself, 
egregiously wrong. And that Curtis knows you to be a false witness to his 
actions. If I had the very slightest doubt about all that I have said here, 
Barry, I would stop posting at FFL and personally thank you for performing a 
service that no one else has been able to perform for me: demonstrating that I 
am, when it really comes down to it, a neurotic human being who seeks the 
attention of others because of the shallowness of his soul. 

By the way, I refuse to let anyone compensate for me. Do you get this, Barry? 
Think about that.


--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Oct 18, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Robin is having trouble posting this, so I'm doing it for him:
> > > 
> > > Maybe his email program is bored out of its
> > > mind by his  mind-numbingly
> > > long-winded posts, and has decided to rebel.
> > 
> > Hey Sal,
> > 
> > I have to take part of the credit or blame for the length 
> > since I produced my half of it.  And I can certainly see 
> > how from the outside this beast is just too much to bear!  
> > Seriously.  But I defend the charge that Robin is just 
> > sending out monologues to strangers here.
> > 
> > This is one of the most interesting discussions I have 
> > engaged in here.  And unfortunately it took a lot of words 
> > to suss out some key points of interest to both Robin and 
> > me.  The driving force behind this exchange is a genuine 
> > interest in understanding each other's process for 
> > approaching reality.  Because it engages our complete 
> > philosophies, it requires a lot of words.  What we are 
> > attempting is not simple.  And of course any conversation 
> > with me is going to be lengthened by whatever improv comedy 
> > strikes me as I write, so there we tack on even more.
> > 
> > I am not making a case that this should be of interest to 
> > anyone else. I am just owning my part in it.  
> I, too, thank Curtis for his explanation. I do not
> share his fascination with either the people he gets
> into long-winded discussions with, or with any of 
> their ideas, but it's probably good that someone does.
> As much as I love Curtis, sometimes I see him as the
> Patron Saint Of The Terminally Self Important. As such,
> he is pretty much the polar opposite of myself. When I
> encounter someone on the Internet who combines an over-
> weaning sense of their own self importance with an
> almost pathological need to use as many words as humanly
> possible to convince others of that importance, all 
> while coming up with a near-absolute dearth of creative
> ideas (or even original ideas), I tend to react to them
> the way Dogbert does in the cartoon I posted recently,
> by waving my paw at them and saying "Bah."
> Curtis *engages* them. Like the saint he is, he reacts
> to the nothing they say by either pretending it's some-
> thing or (more likely) as if he's actually able to find
> something interesting in it. As such, he has become in
> a way the "therapist to the stars," or at least those
> who are legends in their own minds and convinced that
> they *are* stars. 
> Whereas few others consider Robin or Judy or Ravi or
> Jim interesting enough to even *read*, Curtis not only
> reads their stuff but replies to it as if it actually
> deserved a reply. He meets nitpick with nitpick, self-
> obsession with "I can understand why you're obsessed
> with that," tirade with humor. I admire his compassion 
> and his patience in doing this; it is a skill that I 
> lack. Since I honestly don't think that I've ever seen
> an original or creative idea emanate from ANY of the
> people I mentioned, it is very difficult for me to
> pretend that I have. It's much easier -- and a far
> better use of my time -- to wave my paw at them and
> say "Bah" than it is to get into their obsessions with
> them. Curtis feels otherwise, and thus provides these
> oh-so-needy people with the attention that they so 
> desperately seek.
> It's like he's the Mother Teresa of the Internet. 
> Whereas some encounter a leper trying to show off his
> sores and turn away, Curtis says, "Wow...that's really
> a good one. Just LOOK at the pus oozing from that one,"
> and allows them to feel good about themselves, as if
> there were at least one person out there in cyberspace
> who feels that they're interesting enough to deal with.
> It is thus IMO a form of selfless service, and I commend
> him for it. I may not read it, even though I know that
> this may deprive me of glimpses of his awesome humor, 
> but I think it's neat that he does it. 
> > > The average post here is 
> > > maybe 5-10 Kbs, this one alone is 125.  While 
> > > this might be his longest to date, it's hardly
> > > an aberration.  I don't get it.  Too bad 
> > > MDG is no longer here to explain how and why 
> > > someone would take the trouble, day after day,
> > > to write these endless monologues to a bunch of almost
> > > complete strangers.
> > > 
> > > Sal
> > >
> >

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