On 10/19/2011 10:00 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine<salsunshine@...>  wrote:
>> On Oct 19, 2011, at 3:06 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
>>> I, too, thank Curtis for his explanation. I do not
>>> share his fascination with either the people he gets
>>> into long-winded discussions with, or with any of
>>> their ideas, but it's probably good that someone does.
>>> As much as I love Curtis, sometimes I see him as the
>>> Patron Saint Of The Terminally Self Important.
>> I've never understood why Curtis gets into these
>> insane drama-fests either. But I suppose it fulfills
>> some need.
> I'm going to reply to this a second time, less
> flippantly this time, because I think your ques-
> tion is a good one, and I might have some insight
> into it.
> In my first forays onto TM-related spiritual chat
> groups, I entered into many, many, far too many
> long, insane drama-fests myself. *At the time*,
> it seemed like fun to me, a kind of intellectual
> sparring, a way to test one's ever-changing
> theories of How It All Works against other
> people. I used to get into equally-long and
> equally-tedious discussions with Judy, and with
> Lawson, and with others back on a.m.t. And, at
> the time, it was FUN.

As my buddy on my TM Sidhis course said, "these people have 
overstimulated intellects."  Years later I found out why and that is 
because agni mantras like Saraswati mantras will over stimulate the 
intellect unless balancing measures are taken.  People also become more 
vata practicing them and will tend to ramble when they write.

I also detect that anyone that writes pages of text here is vata 
imbalanced.  That is a typical trait and results in someone living in 
their own cerebral world.  This is something I took from MMY's 
discussion on the intellect and observed with intellectuals I met since.

FYI, just to remind you that hard coded line returns went out of style 
in the 1980s.  Today's email clients word wrap fine.  Your posts when 
viewed on a mobile email client don't wrap well not to mention how the 
FFL web interface may look on phones and tablets.  Leave it up to the 

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