On 10/19/2011 12:19 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
> On Oct 19, 2011, at 2:16 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
>>> FYI, just to remind you that hard coded line returns went out of style
>>> in the 1980s.  Today's email clients word wrap fine.  Your posts when
>>> viewed on a mobile email client don't wrap well not to mention how the
>>> FFL web interface may look on phones and tablets.  Leave it up to the
>>> software.
>> Bhair, if you're talking bout Barry's, his look just
>> fine to me and come out in my replies formatted just
>> right also.  OTOH, yours don't.  They come out like the
>> above, one line going all the way over, than only
>> one word on the next line, all through the text.
> Um, actually now yours are fine too.  But they weren't
> when I composed the reply.  Oh, well.
> Sal

Yes that would tend to be true of a message entry form.  You can usually 
switch the format in the message pane or switch back if you don't like 
that display.

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